


  • You may not offer direct payments to sellers using payment systems outside of the PowerTemps Order system..
  • PowerTemps retains the right to use all publically published delivered works for PowerTemps marketing and promotional purposes.
  • Buyers may request a specific service from the Post a Request feature found from the Shopping dashboard. Services requested on PowerTemps must be an allowed service on PowerTemps.


  • Buyers pay PowerTemps to create an order from a seller’s Job page or Custom Offer, using the Order Now button.
  • In addition buyers can request a Custom Order which addresses specific buyer requirements, and receive a Custom Offer from sellers through the site or through PowerTemps Anywhere.
  • Jobs may be purchased using one of the following payment methods: Credit Card, PayPal, Bitcoin or PowerTemps Credit.
  • Processing fees are added at the time of purchase where a buyer can review and accept the total amount requested to pay. These fees cover payment processing and administrative fees. As of July 2016, the current fees assessed to the total purchase amount are $1 on purchases up to $20 and 5{157c86a834524b37677aab83c75847fc61690c6606084b29176deda8ca578ec1} on purchases above $20. When purchasing from your seller’s balance (i.e. out of your earned revenues) or buyer’s shopping balance (resulting from any credits or refunds) you will not be charged a processing fee. Funds returned to your balance from cancelled orders will not include processing fees paid.
  • If you have funds in your account balance, either from your Shopping or available Revenue balance, it will be automatically applied to your next purchase, but only in the event that your balance covers the entire purchase amount.
  • You may not offer sellers to pay, or make payment using any method other than through the site. In case you have been asked to use an alternative payment method, please report it immediately to Customer Support here.
  • To protect against fraud, unauthorized transactions (such as money laundering), claims or other liabilities, we do not collect credit information; but allow our payment vendors to collect information for the purpose of collecting payments from buyers on the Site or transferring payments to sellers on the Site. We are not exposed to the payment information provided to our payment vendors, and this information is subject to the privacy policy applicable to the payment vendor. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information here.
    VAT. This paragraph only applies to buyers located in Israel: Israeli buyers will be charged VAT in addition to the Job price shown on the Job page. An invoice will be provided to allow eligible users to claim back the VAT from the tax authorities.


  • Once payment is confirmed, your order will be created and given a unique PowerTemps order number.
  • Sellers must deliver completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Work button (located on the Order page) according to the service that was purchased and advertised on their Job.
  • Using the Deliver Work button may not be abused by sellers to circumvent Order guidelines described in this Terms of Service. Using the “Deliver Work” button when an order was not fulfilled may result in a cancellation of that order after review, affect the seller’s rating and result in a warning to seller.
  • An order is marked as complete after the order is marked as Delivered and then rated by a buyer. An order will be automatically marked as complete if not rated and no request for modification was submitted within 3 days after marked as Delivered.
  • We encourage our buyers and sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves. If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact PowerTemps’s Customer Support department for assistance here.
  • Handling Orders

  • When a buyer orders a Job, the seller is notified by email as well as notifications on the site while logged into the account.
  • Sellers are required to meet the delivery time they specified when creating their Jobs. Failing to do so will allow the buyer to cancel the order when an order is marked as late and may harm the seller’s status.
  • Sellers must send completed files and/or proof of work using the Deliver Completed Work button (located on the Order page) to mark the order as Delivered.
  • Users are responsible for scanning all transferred files for viruses and malware. PowerTemps will not be held responsible for any damages which might occur due to site usage, use of content or files transferred.
  • A Seller may cancel an order without the buyer’s consent at any given moment (Force Cancellation). However, this will have a negative effect on the seller’s status.
  • Buyers may use the “Request Revisions” feature located on the Order page while an order is marked as Delivered if the delivered materials do not match the seller’s description on their Job page or they do not match the requirements sent to the seller at the beginning of the order process.
  • Reviews

  • Feedback reviews provided by buyers while completing an order are an essential part of PowerTemps’s rating system. Reviews demonstrate the buyer’s overall experience with the sellers and their service. Buyers are encouraged to communicate to the seller any concerns experienced during their active order in regards to the service provided by the seller.
  • Leaving a buyer’s feedback is a basic prerogative of a buyer. Feedback reviews will not be removed unless there are clear violations to our Terms of Service.
  • To prevent any misuse of our Feedback system, all feedback reviews must come from legitimate sales executed exclusively through the PowerTemps platform from users within our Community. Purchases arranged, determined to artificially enhance seller ratings, or to abuse the PowerTemps platform with purchases from additional accounts, will result in a permanent suspension of all related accounts.
  • Feedback comments given by buyers are publicly displayed on a seller’s Job page. Buyers have the option not to include a comment, but still rate the service. Cancellation of an order does not remove feedback unless mutually agreed.
  • Work Samples are the delivered images and videos sent to a buyer in a delivery message. Work Samples are added to a seller’s Live Portfolio on their Job page if the buyer chooses to publish the Work Sample while providing a public feedback review.
  • Withholding the delivery of services, files, or information required to complete the Job’s service with the intent to gain favorable reviews or additional services is prohibited.
  • Responding and posting a review: Once work is delivered, the buyer has three days to respond and post a review (or 14 days for Jobs with shipping). If no response is provided within the response period, the order will be considered completed.
  • Users are allowed to leave reviews on orders up to 30 days after an order is marked as complete. No new reviews may be added to an order after 30 days.
  • Sellers may not solicit the removal of feedback reviews from their buyers through mutual cancellations.
  • Disputes and Cancellations

    We encourage our buyers and sellers to try and settle conflicts amongst themselves. If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the Site, users can contact PowerTemps’s Customer Support department for assistance.


  • Order cancellations can be performed on PowerTemps, when eligible, by Customer Support or through the Resolution Center per order.
  • Filing a transaction dispute or reversing a payment through your payment provider or your bank is a violation to these Terms of Service. Doing so may get your account temporarily disabled to investigate possible security violations. Note: once you have filed a dispute with your payment provider, the funds will be ineligible for a refund due to our obligations towards the payment provider.
  • In the event that a buyer or seller encounters an issue related to the service provided in an order, you are encouraged to use the Site’s dispute resolution tools to attempt to resolve the matter.
  • PowerTemps reserves the right to cancel orders or place funds on hold for any suspected fraudulent transactions made on the Site.
  • All transfer and assignment of intellectual property to the buyer shall be subject to full payment for the Job and the delivery may not be used if payment is cancelled for any reason.
  • If an order is cancelled (for any reason), the funds paid will be refunded to the buyer’s shopping balance.
  • Revisions to deliveries can be performed by sellers based on the seller’s Job and customer care. Sellers may determine the amount of revisions offered to buyers, including no revisions.
  • Requests for revisions can be performed through the Order page while the order is marked as Delivered.
  • Requesting to gain more services from sellers beyond the agreed requirements by using the Request Revisions button is not allowed.

  • Order Cancellations

  • PowerTemps encourages Buyers and Sellers to resolve service disputes mutually using the Resolution Center.
  • Eligibility for requests to PowerTemps to cancel an order will be assessed by our Customer Support team based on a number of factors, including violations to our Terms of Service, general misconduct, and improper usage of the PowerTemps delivery system. See below for Order specific eligibility.
  • Completed orders may be cancelled, upon review of our Customer Support team, up to 14 days after the order is marked as complete.
  • Orders are not eligible to be cancelled based on the quality of service/materials delivered by the seller if the service was rendered as described in the Job page. Buyers may rate their experience with the seller on the order page, including the overall level of service quality received.
  • Buyers must use PowerTemps Resolution Center to address their concerns and desired resolution related to the service provided by their seller prior to contacting Customer Support. Customer Support will not take any action against Orders where the buyers failed to inform their seller of issues related to the seller’s service and will allow sellers to provide a resolution first. This does not include non-permitted usage of PowerTemps.
  • Any non-permitted usage of PowerTemps encountered during an Order, after being reviewed by our Customer Support team, may result in the order being cancelled. This includes, but not limited to; harassment, unlawful behavior, or other violations to PowerTemps’s Terms of Service.
  • PowerTemps Customer Support will cancel orders based on, but not limited to, the following reasons:
  • Active orders (after the buyer submits their requirements and before the seller delivers on PowerTemps).
  • The seller is late and unresponsive for more than 24 hours while the order is marked as Late.
  • Users are abusive towards the other party through threats of low ratings or leveraging order materials (such as logins, personal information) against each other.
  • Users supplied or included copyright/trademark infringing materials as part of the Buyer requirements or the seller’s delivery.
  • The user is no longer an active PowerTemps user due to Terms of Service violations or closure of their account.
  • Delivered Orders (after the seller clicks Deliver Now and before the order is marked as complete).
  • The seller uses the Delivery system to extend the delivery due date to complete the requested service without providing the final delivered service to buyers.
  • Note: Multiple reported offenses will result in permanent suspension of your account.
  • The seller delivers no files and/or proof of work related to the agreed upon order requirements.
  • Note: Subjectivity of the materials in question will be reviewed by our Customer Support team.
  • The seller requests additional payments, on or off the PowerTemps platform, by withholding the final delivery of services directly related to the agreed requirements.
  • The seller is withholding the final delivery of services for improved ratings.
  • Buyers who abuse the Request Revisions button to gain more services from sellers beyond the agreed requirements.
  • Buyers who threaten to leave a damaging review to gain more services from the seller not related to the agreed requirements.
  • Completed Orders (after the order is marked as complete and before the 14 day limitation).
  • Users who have been reported to use copyright/trademark infringing materials after verification and with proof.
  • Buyers who did not purchase commercial use rights and are reported to have used the materials commercially.
  • Note: Terms of Commercial use is found on the seller’s Job page and cannot be retroactively included once the order is completed for over 14 days.
  • PowerTemps Customer Support will review cases of Order delivery manipulation that prevents buyers and sellers from fully utilizing our Resolution Center that enabled the order to be marked as complete.
  • Refunds

  • PowerTemps does not automatically refund payments made for cancelled orders back to your payment provider. Funds from order cancellations are refunded to the buyer’s balance as credit and are available for future purchases on PowerTemps. Funds returned to your balance from cancelled orders will not include processing fees paid.
  • Deposit refunds, when available from the payment provider, can be performed by our Customer Support team. To prevent fraud and abuse, we limit the total amount of times users can request a payment provider refund from their account which is subject to review by our Customer Support team. Such refunds may be subject to an additional fee. If any processing fees were added at the time of purchase to create a new order, the processing fees from that payment will not be refunded along with your deposit.